Sunday, July 12, 2009

CVS - Free School Supplies this week! (7/12-14)

Finally some FREE after Extra Care Bucks deals!

Three day sale, so ONLY Sunday-Monday-Tuesday.

School Supplies!
*1 subject notebooks - you pay 99 cents and get 99 cents back in ECB's - limit 2
*8pk pens - you pay 99 cents and get 99 cents back in ECB's - limit 3 (I am DEFINITELY getting these. We are ALWAYS looking for pens around here!)
*5 inch Scissors - you pay 2.99 cents and get 2.99 cents back in ECB's - limit 2 (good to have in your purse for coupon clipping!)
*school glue - you pay 99 cents and get 99 cents back in ECB's - limit 2
*12" plastic or wooden ruler - you pay 99 cents and get 99 cents back in ECB's - limit 2
Portfolios for 5 cents - limit 10

Free Hardcover Photobook! (limit 1)
You pay $7.99, get back 7.99 in ECB's.

Tylenol for 99 cents... less if you happen to have a coupon!
You pay $3.99 and get $3 back in ECB's. Limit 3.

Now... if you don't know how to play this game... the more trips you're willing to make, the less you will spend out of pocket.

If you want to spend less, get one pair of scissors first, pay 2.99 and get your ECB's back. Put those in the car or in your purse and buy 3 packs of pens & 1 portfolio.

3 @ 0.99 + 1 @ 0.05 = 3.02; pay with ECB's and 3 cents.

Go back with your 2.97 ECB's and get the 2 notebooks and one glue. You will pay 0 and get 2.97 back in ECB's.

Head back in and get one more glue and two rulers. Same thing, you will pay 0 and get 2.97, repeat until you've gotten the limit of all of the free items and then you can turn around and use those ECB's towards the Tylenol. Assuming you have no coupons, you will pay $1.02 (+ tax if applicable)

So... for a lil over $4, you will get school supplies and Tylenol.

If you don't mind spending a lil more and you plan to get the photobook, get that first. Then go and get $7.99 worth of the school supplies and/or Tylenol.

Trip #1 Photobook -

$7.99 = 7.99 ECB's

Trip #2: 2 notebooks (.99), 3 pens (.99), 2 glue (.99), 1 ruler (.99), 2 portfolios (.05)
Total = $8.02, pay 0.03 and get $7.92 ECB's

Trip #3: 2 scissors (2.99), 1 ruler (.99)
Total = $6.97, pay with ECB's - should have one extra 99 cent ECB left, so you will get back 6.97 and add the other 99 cent ECB giving a total of 7.96 in ECBs

Trip #4: 2 Tylenol (3.99)
Total = 7.98, pay with 7.96 in ECB's and 2 cents, get back 6 ECB's.

...go buy the last Tylenol or whatever else I might have missed... looks like a good deal on Scott TP and detergent if you're not picky about your brand.

There might be a more efficient way to do this (definitely if you don't mind spending more), but I'm in a hurry... so this is what I came up with quickly... Hope this helps the parents that need to send school supplies in for school this coming fall AND these are always good stocking stuffers!

Go quick, I'm sure this stuff will go fast!!! And don't be afraid to ask for rainchecks if the stock is out... Good luck and happy shopping!!

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